Friday, February 3, 2012

Easy handmade wall art!

A little color and functionality really adds some needed personality to a bland reading area!

After visiting my daughter's 4th grade classroom last week, I notice the reading area had nothing! It was not comfortable and bland and boring! So, as usual, my creative juices started flowing and I came up with a plan. Using left over fabric from a client's job I covered these Euros for a comfy place for the kids to lounge. Then with four $3.50 canvases, I made this owl art out of left over fabric samples and an old book.

Supplies: art canvas, old book, scraps of fabric or paper, scissors, Mod Podge, Hot glue, and buttons

 Here's how I made this super cute wall art
  1. Cover your canvas with torn pieces of a book using glue, like Mod Podge.
  2. Paint the edges of your canvas to give it a finished look.
  3. Cut out your owl pieces - I Googled "Owl Template" - using fabric (felt works best) or paper.
  4. Using a hot glue gun, assemble the pieces of the owl onto the canvas
  5. I used Jute string to finish around the edges of the canvas

It truly was that easy! Now the kids have a comfortable and inviting place to read!

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