Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Create Restful Spaces

Leave it to HGTV and Sherwin Williams to help us out!

It's the end of a hectic day and all you want to do is retreat to your room and relax. So how do we create a room that quietly invites us in to sit and let all the chaos melt away. There is a way and believe it or not its as simple as picking the right colors!

 There is a formula for every room and the formula for a bedroom should equal  calm and serene. What does that mean? Well, the first part of the formula comes from creating a functional and organized space. If you find you are throwing your clothes all over the room and you have no where to put your stuff, you have to address that issue first. So my solution would be create more storage. Messy doesn't equal calm. Maybe it's time to do a closet clean out to create more space. Now lets address the formula of color to use in a bedroom. In the design world we use the term shades of a color differently than you. To us it means how much black and white, or gray, is added to create that shade of blue or green. Spa blue is simply a blue/green color that has been shaded with gray to quiet down the intensity.  It creates a softer and more livable version of the color which means it's perfect for a bedroom.  Check out these colors From HGTV HOME for Sherwin Williams called Neutral Nuance perfect for any room you want to create a soft calm environment. And you can use them in any combination throughout your home.

The next part of the formula is contrast. That basically means light versus dark in the room. For instance lets look at black and white the highest of all contrasts. The combination of the two colors creates a lot of drama, not calming at all! So think about that when you are picking your colors, don't go to bold with the level of values you use in the room. Keep the contrast low and quiet. However some contrast is good and keeps the room interesting. Like, I love to use a combination of warm and cool for contrast instead of light and dark. I love the warmth of the wood tones mixed with the coolness of the grays and blues. Also, use contrast in the mix of textures on the bed linens. Soft sheets with a quilted coverlet with linen pillows keeps the bed from being boring! So here's the Formula:

No mess + Shaded Colors + Low Contrast = A Restful Space

Although my room is not finished, I thought I would show you the start of my restful bedroom.  My walls are still builders beige, so I will be painting soon. I was thinking of using SW 7609 Ethereal Mood or the Escape Gray on the walls (see above). The name itself says it all! I will show you a picture when it's finished.
My Master Suite - Still in Progress!


  1. I want your feedback or questions!

  2. so, i have these green pottery barn panels that my wonderful, talented, beautiful sister bought me and i want to create this look using those panels but im afraid that the green will be too bright to create that relaxing feel (if im lucky enough to find a similar color in a duvet).. and if i find a sand color duvet, im scared it may be too much tan... your thoughts?

